Naturopathy and Yoga

Naturopathy is a holistic approach to disease and lifestyle counseling with non-invasive drug less therapies. Naturopathic medicine is based on the concept of treating the body with Panchamahabhuthas or five elements that is earth, water, fire, air and ether which forms the basic constituents of the body. These elements are used to rejuvenate the body and strengthen the immune system against the diseases.
The Five great elements of nature are:
  • Earth - Mud baths, Mud packs,
  • Water - Hydrotherapeutic methods in the form of Baths, Jets, Douches, Packs, Compresses, Immersions
  • Air - Breathing exercises, Outdoor walking, Open air baths
  • Fire - Sun baths, Thermoleum baths, Magnetized water, Colour charged oils / water
  • Ether - Fasting therapy
As Vedas says ‘AAPO VAI BAISHAJAM’ - water is considered to be the best medicine. This therapy uses water at different temperatures, forms and pressure with adjuvant to alleviate the ailments of the body.  
Water is used in different forms and different temperatures according to the condition of the body given either as an external or internal application. Its main effect is on blood vessel of the body by vasoconstriction and vasodilatation which helps in regulation of blood flow at different part of the body.
Hydratic application includes Hip Bath, Spinal Bath, Steam Bath, Under Water Massage, Hepatic and Kidney packs. These specialized treatments like pack and sprays act as an agent to re active the aging human system.
Prithvi Chikithsa/ Mud Therapy
It is a process where mud is applied over the body directly or in the form of packs. It has tremendous impact on the maintenance of health and prevention of diseases.
Minerals and trace elements which are  present in the mud are known for its effects and healing properties and it has the remarkable property of holding moisture for a long time, which gives a cooling effect on the part of the body applied.
The cooling, chemical and mechanical properties of mud help to treat problems of skin, joints and metabolic disorders. It helps to improve circulation and relax the muscles, improves the digestive activity and sets right the metabolism, helps bring down blood pressure and nourishes the skin. Local application helps relieve inflammations, swellings and reduces pain.
Diet Therapy:
As Hippocrates rightly said “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. Food has a major impact on health of an individual. Diet therapy helps in dietary modification depending on the condition of the disease done for promotion of health and for balanced diet.
This therapy uses the purificatory properties of various fruits, vegetables and juices to clean the body of unwanted and accumulated toxins which are a result of unhealthy life style.
Mardhana Chikithsa / Massage therapy
This is a therapy where body parts are scientifically manipulated to facilitate circulation, flexibility and to strengthen joints and other body structures.
It also helps to tone up nervous system and muscles through different movements like friction, percussion etc.
It is a traditional Chinese system of medicine through which various painful conditions and diseases are treated by inserting very fine needles into the specific points on the body. This has major impact on balancing the vital energy flow throughout the body.
Yoga Therapy
Yoga is an ancient form of practice which helps in overall personality development of an individual at physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels by performing asana, pranayama, kriyas, and meditation.
The Healing aspect of Yoga is taken into consideration because it is one of the best tools to uproot the problems which originate in mind and manifest in the body. It also takes one towards developing the positive frame of mind and achieves the holistic health.
Pranayama is an important means to have control over the mind. It also helps to relax and correct the faulty breathing pattern. On the whole the type of instructions and methodology adopted at this centre will help to overcome psychosomatics disorders.
It is effortless, uninterrupted flow of thoughts towards single objects which helps in slowing down the speed of mind.
Shirodhara is an amazing, unique body therapy from the ancient natural medical system of Ayurveda. Shirodhara has a profound impact on the nervous system. That means, the treatment directly and immediately calms, relaxes and has a cleansing effect on the mind and nerves.



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